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At École Centrale, students are encouraged to participate in learning the French language and culture through daily classroom activities and announcements, as well as by participating in assemblies, clubs, choirs and other school activities. Students are also involved in school fundraising, as well as yearly fundraising campaigns for the Terry Fox Foundation and United Way(see the Projects section of this website).

Physical Education

Kindergarten students have two scheduled periods of P.E. per cycle.  Grade 1 to 4 students have four scheduled periods of P.E. per cycle.  This is in accordance of Manitoba Education standards.  Students have the opportunity to enhance their physical activity throughout the year by participating in intramurals or after school clubs.


Students in Grades 1-4 receive two scheduled music classes per cycle, and each grade has one choir period each cycle. In addition, the music teacher offers a lunch-time choir for students in Grades 3 and 4 who love to sing. The choir works towards presentations at assemblies, concerts and community events.

Book Fair

Every year in our library, we hold a book fair as an opportunity for students, parents and staff to shop for Scholastic Books in person. The book sale is a fundraiser for the library.


At École Centrale, we have an special assemblies throughout the school year.

Field Trips

Field trips provide students with experiences outside their everyday activities. Each grade level will take at least one curriculum-connected field trip each year. Each grade level also takes one end-of year fun outing, with transportation subsidized by the École Centrale School Community Council.

Lunch Program

The lunch program runs during the lunch hour and is supervised by adults.


École Centrale has an active bus patrol program, coordinated by a Grade 4 teacher. Patrols are trained by the transportation department to assist our students on and off the bus.

Public Performances

From time to time, students of École Centrale have the opportunity to perform in public, such as choir performances at seniors homes at Christmas, at Kildonan Place for Christmas or Remembrance Day. All Public Performances require a parent permission form, and involve reviewing students’ media clearance form for pictures or television recordings of public performances.

Leadership Program

A leadership program is provided for our Grade 4 students by the Physical Education teacher. Grade 4 leaders learn to referee sports activities for the younger grades, supervise recess activities, help the Physical Education teacher in his office and in the storage area for grade level activities. Leadership students also serve as greeters when the public is invited to École Centrale, such as on election days.

Grade 4 Farewell

A Grade 4 Farewell is held at the end of June each year. Details regarding the Farewell will be shared with parents in May/June.

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