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Welcome to our school librarylibrary.b5491a1155.jpg

Welcome to the library and to our program of information literacy. We believe that every student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources - whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research.


Nancy Morris (teacher-librarian)
Don Crawley (library technician)

Library Hours

9:00 - 11:45
12:45 - 3:30 

Lending Policies

Students may take out 2 books at a time.
They may take books out during their regular library class, at recess, before and after school.

Program Description

Co-operative Teaching and Learning

The library program supports classroom teachers in various aspects of the subject curricula. Teachers collaborate with the teacher-librarian for resources to support and enrich curriculum topics and integrate library teaching with the learning in the classroom.

This is evident in literature appreciation, story retellings, presentations, genre studies, connecting the reading and writing process, creation, and publication of books & newspapers and the integration of technology.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Each class will work with the teacher-librarian on an information literacy unit that fits within the curriculum. These are usually a social studies or science topic. Students are taught the steps of research through information literacy. This includes how to identify fiction/non-fiction, how to locate information in a non-fiction resource, organizing for research, note-taking strategies, collating and synthesizing the information into their own words, and sharing their information in a variety of ways.

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